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Processes and Systems - why it's important to get it right

People ask me why I am so obsessed with systems and processes.

I know the impact of having good systems in place. Whether you have a large or small task, the outcome is still the same, more productivity, customer satisfaction, and more efficiency in your business.

There is a saying that fits perfectly when talking about creating systems and processes in your business.


Throughout my career, I have had the opportunity to work in a range of industries, and along with that a variety of operational systems. Creating good systems and processes is not a set-and-forget task. Especially when considering the changes in technology available, we have seen in the last 30 years. It might sound daunting, or feel like a job that will take a lot of time, but the sooner you start the easier it is. And you don't have to create everything at once.

I know a lot of solo business owners feel like it's not necessary to put time and money into setting up systems as it's just them, but it will cost more in the long run. Both in money and time.


I’ve been the person, to take on roles, working in a disorganised workplace,  with inefficient or no systems, where some tasks were viewed as unimportant, too challenging or nobody knew how to create a better system.

I’ve also been the person to develop systems, create procedures, and change these roles, enabling tasks to be well-managed, documented, and tracked.

I've witnessed the outcomes, the changes before and after, and the influence and advantages to the business, customers, and my colleagues' responsibilities as a result of implementing, streamlining, and enhancing systems.

For some tasks, it might mean developing a whole new process or installing a new system, for others, it might be as simple as using something that is already available and just updating the process.



"Making small changes to your systems can significantly impact your business."

My first administration role was as a trainee with a national wholesale company. With customers such as Bunnings, J.Blackwood & Son's, Mitre 10, and John Danks, along with thousands of independent retailers, there was a large number of customer returns and credits, which were managed through an informal system where the customer service department sporadically processed a few requests weekly, often prompted by customer complaints. In my first year, I transformed this into a structured, systematic process involving thorough investigation, approval from sales and state managers, and streamlined processing. This also Enabled the Accounts Receivable team to generate accurate account reconciliations, leading to increased customer satisfaction.

I later moved to the Accounts Receivable department I transformed the process of monthly major customer account reconciliations, involving hundreds of invoices, from manual handwritten documents, into Excel spreadsheets, tracking invoices, credits, payments, and providing an accurate account balance, saving not just hours but days each month.

The credit system was a major overhaul, which involved working with the IT department to upgrade the computer system to enable the various steps to be tracked. On the other hand, account reconciliations were a simple process of transferring the information onto readily available systems. What prevented this system from being updated, was a thought process of doing things how they had always been done and unwilling to change or compromise.


I have worked in companies where systems were already in place, but not being utilised. There was a labor hire company I transitioned from a weekly manual process of photocopying, uploading, and sending employee timesheets to head office for payroll processing, to utilizing a data file, which was already being used by other branches, to enter timesheet data and directly upload it into the system for wage processing. This was simply a case of information not being made available and previous staff being set in their ways.

There was a retail supply company that relied on handwritten notebooks for customer management, later transferring the information to a spreadsheet when time permitted, which I transformed into an online database, accessed from anywhere, enabling the tracking and processing of customer inquiries, sales information, and statuses with ease, leading to improved response rates and enhanced customer service.


As a sole trader or business owner, it can feel like everything falls on your shoulders. Nobody expects you to be able to do everything. Your expertise lies in your services, not in managing the ins and outs of the back end of your business.

A privately owned driver training facility that started as a small 3-person operation and grew to become a leading motorcycle rider training facility in Victoria. Starting with basic systems and a lack of knowledge to grow these with the business, a position was created for me to assist in managing the office and create new systems to streamline processes. Bookkeeping and administration records were stored in boxes until being handed to the accountant annually for tax processing. I set up and transitioned to an online bookkeeping system in MYOB, including implementing online payroll, rather than paying wages by cheque. In partnership with a colleague, I developed a customer management database and a course booking and payments system, replacing the old method of using notebooks to schedule customers for courses and track payments.


Sometimes, things can be seen as unimportant, especially with small or volunteer organisations, so there is no perceived value in improving things. A bare minimum is considered enough, but this can make it extremely difficult for others to take over, or when issues arise, as they always do.

I volunteered on a committee as treasurer of a sporting club, that kept all club information, files, and management documents spread out between current and past committee members, on personal computers, personal emails, and in their homes. I created a central online storage and communication platform for each committee member, club management, and event files. Along with creating a digital bookkeeping system, removing the need for old handwritten income and expense books.

When it came time for a new committee to take the reins, everything was in one place, making it easy to dive into your role, organise events and gather information from the past.

If you're feeling overwhelmed managing your business, get in touch, so we can start to create, implement, and streamline your processes.


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